
Dr. Prof. Erika Hubatschek

Tourism and migration
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Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
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How can you say? The farm holiday is all very well to consolidate the farms. And yes this is also with us in relation to a population in these areas, which take rather than decrease. So, abandoned villages in the sense there is not really with us. While in the French and Italian Alps .. there are ghost towns if no one is there anymore. Or in Corsica are many, where people have migrated to the mainland. And come back in summer time. I mean, it's always someone else on some farms, where they can come back. But there are also many who are completely deserted. That is not really with us. Professor Petzinka has ever drawn a map of the Alps. Not only the eastern Alps, the Western Alps. He has the communities where the population since - all events, in a given period, in which the population has declined so far that he painted red - 1800, I do not know now exactly by heart. And the one where it has increased, blue. And as you can see quite a difference. We are much more places to gain and little to decrease. In the French and Italian Alps are very many, which has decreased in the population. I was in 1961 at the highest farms of the entire German Alps. In Switzerland, the Grisons in the hamlet Juf. And as I have now asked me extra, are even now still inhabited, and even have a restaurant inside, so come including foreigners. A beautiful scenic area. There're all these areas for tourism is very attractive. But if farmers are no longer there ... A phrase I always say: Only by the mountain farmers, the Alps remain in its beauty and diversity. That is my conviction. If I still have so many machines or anything hernehme that can not replace it, do what the farmers there. It is now also much cut by hand, where it is so steep that no machine can be used. And I think really, only, if only because more hotels ... And especially you can pay the no idea this work. Just as many were not able to milk by hand. This is, of course, that's where a milking machine, and there is this and that. It is good to continue the development needs. It can not all stay on the same date. But even if it was so early still modest, but it was a certain dignity there. And that should be somehow in the new era.